Colorado Chapter of Palatines to America

Colorado Palatines to America Spring Seminar.

Seminar is in-person and by ZOOM

5 April 2025

The Colorado Chapter of Palatines to America is pleased to announce that Ute Brandenburg accepted our invitation to be the speaker at our Spring Seminar, 5 April 2025. This is a hybrid meeting – both in-person and via Zoom.


Professional genealogist Ute Brandenburg is a bilingual German American living in Iowa City, Iowa. Educated in Germany, she combines her lifelong immersion in German culture, history, and geography with in-depth knowledge of migration history as well as genealogical sources of both Germany and the United States. Among Ute’s research interests are German immigration to the Midwest, research in the former Eastern Provinces of Prussia, and Jewish family history. Ute uses DNA to solve some of the most challenging cases of unknown origin of German immigrants. She is an expert on solving unknown parentage cases in Germany. In partnership with Ursula C. Krause, Ute presents German genealogy workshops with a focus on the life experiences of our ordinary ancestors in their time in history at German Genealogy Headquarters

Online registration is now open, click here.

The seminar flyer and off-line registration form is available here.

About Palatines to America

and the Colorado Chapter

The PURPOSE of this society is to promote the study of Germanic immigration to North America, to publish information of general interest, and to provide a means for members to exchange information and share research ...

TIPS Table of Contents

by Tim Ostwald

Review the TIPS Table of Contents and when you find an article that interest you, the article will be found under the Members section (if you are a member) or you may purchase a CD with all the tips on it at one of the Chapter's seminars.